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RED5 @ csimain.canon-soft.co.jp on 97/9/09 12:40:06
Dural Leaks Reach Critical Mass
September 9, 1997
New details of Sega's next system
continue to leak out, this time through
Japanese news sources.
Right after the conclusion of the Tokyo Game Show,
Tokyo press began reporting that a deal between
Sega Enterprises and Microsoft was imminent, and
coming this October, Sega would officially
announce that its new console system would use a
variation on the Microsoft CE OS, which is a
simplified front end for settop devices and
personal data assistants (PDAs). Additionally, the
new console would conceivably utilize the
Microsoft Arcade Operating System, which would
allow fast development and conversion time between
arcade to PC and Dural, and back.
At the same time, the same press source confirmed
previous hints that the new system would use a
new, high-powered Hitachi CPU, presumably the SH-4
Sega representatives admitted that "We are
speaking to Microsoft, but we can't confirm what
software we're discussing, and whether it's for
consumer or arcade use." However, given the fact
that both Microsoft development environments
stress cross-platform compatibility, Microsoft may
play a strong part on both sides.
About the use of the new Hitachi CPU a Sega
Spokesman remarked "It hasn't been announced yet."
On another note, sources inside Japan have taken
to calling the new console the Dragon Project,
whether or not this is a new name for the yet
unfinished system is still unknown.
