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さのばびっつ @ INS39.funabashi.dti.ne.jp on 97/9/09 20:31:26
In Reply to: Black Belt→Dural→Dragon Projectだって・・・
posted by RED5 @ csimain.canon-soft.co.jp on 97/9/09 12:40:06
> 英語力と時間がありません。
> 訳せる人がいればお願いします。
> 明日には消えてなくなるのかな・・・・・
> Dural Leaks Reach Critical Mass
> September 9, 1997
> New details of Sega's next system
> continue to leak out, this time through
> Japanese news sources.
> Right after the conclusion of the Tokyo Game Show,
> Tokyo press began reporting that a deal between
> Sega Enterprises and Microsoft was imminent, and
> coming this October, Sega would officially
> announce that its new console system would use a
> variation on the Microsoft CE OS, which is a
> simplified front end for settop devices and
> personal data assistants (PDAs). Additionally, the
> new console would conceivably utilize the
> Microsoft Arcade Operating System, which would
> allow fast development and conversion time between
> arcade to PC and Dural, and back.
> At the same time, the same press source confirmed
> previous hints that the new system would use a
> new, high-powered Hitachi CPU, presumably the SH-4
> chip.
> Sega representatives admitted that "We are
> speaking to Microsoft, but we can't confirm what
> software we're discussing, and whether it's for
> consumer or arcade use." However, given the fact
> that both Microsoft development environments
> stress cross-platform compatibility, Microsoft may
> play a strong part on both sides.
> About the use of the new Hitachi CPU a Sega
> Spokesman remarked "It hasn't been announced yet."
> On another note, sources inside Japan have taken
> to calling the new console the Dragon Project,
> whether or not this is a new name for the yet
> unfinished system is still unknown.
