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鳴 (Ming) @ lei.physics.sunysb.edu on 97/11/06 14:25:29
In Reply to: Re: 水さしてわるいけど...
posted by 天下無敵の無一文 @ ppp088.tokyo.xaxon-net.or.jp on 97/11/06 01:49:57
> これって、組織票っていわない?(核爆発で消滅死)
Forgive me for not answering in Japanese, it'll take too much time
checking the dictionary ^_^; Enkai-kun please help! ^_^
If I understand your question/comment correctly, I assume you're
questioning the validity of 組織票 . If that's the case, let
me explain a bit why I'm trying to get Sakura Taisen to the top
of the Internet Video Game Top 100 Chart, and why I think 組織票
is necessary and justified.
As I've been advocating for quite some time, Sakura Taisen is a
great innovative game that deserves to be known outside of Japan,
and that's the reason I spent so much time making a Sakura Taisen
webpage and trying to promote ST on this side of the Pacific.
I was rather disappointed that Sakura Taisen didn't appear on
the Internet Video Game Top 100 chart, which is one of the more
popular world-wide video game charts on the Internet. So
I decided to submit Sakura Taisen to IVG Top 100. I suppose
I wasn't the only one trying to get Sakura Taisen on the IVG Top
100 ballot, it still took several weeks before they decide
to add Sakura Taisen officially to the IVG Top 100 ballot. But
once Sakura Taisen made it to the official ballot, it took off
very rapidly by itself (in fact, I think it was one of the
fastest-rising games on the chart).
So in a sense, this is 組織票 , but it's necessary to do this
in order to bring Sakura Taisen to the attention of western
fans. It's also justified, because once Sakura Taisen made the
IVG Top 100 chart, it shot up to #2 position in just a few weeks
all by itself (I tried to help a little, but the overwhelming
support of fans from Japan and elsewhere is spontaneous and is
the real reason for the rise of Sakura Taisen in the IVG Top 100
chart). All I did was to direct fans' attention the right way.
In case I'm not really answering your question (forgive my poor
Nihogo! ^_^;), please treat this message as my view about Sakura
Taisen and the IVG Top 100 chart.
In any case, please continue to VOTE for Sakura Taisen on the
IVG Top 100 chart!
