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天下無敵の無一文 @ ppp021.tokyo.xaxon-net.or.jp on 97/11/07 14:11:54
In Reply to: Re: 水さしてわるいけど...
posted by 鳴 (Ming) @ lei.physics.sunysb.edu on 97/11/06 14:25:29
Hellow! Mr. (Ms.?) Ming.
The fast, Let me admit that my consideration was not good enough.
When I read the message of "サクラ大戦は Internet Video Game Chart TOP TEN!",
I had to understund that you are not Japanese.
> Forgive me for not answering in Japanese, it'll take too much time
> checking the dictionary ^_^; Enkai-kun please help! ^_^
Please don't worry. My message was Japanese.(^^)
Enkai-kun please heip, too! (^^;;;;;
> If I understand your question/comment correctly,
Perhaps your understanding is correct.
But, please don't take it so seriously.
(核爆発で消滅死)←This message means (I died out of nuclear explosion).
A charactar that made a silly joke was blown off.
We often see these case in comics.
I meant to say "I made a joke", in this message.
But I thought it over, this joke 組織票 was bad taste.
Please forgiv my consideration wan not enough.
> As I've been advocating for quite some time, Sakura Taisen is a
> great innovative game that deserves to be known outside of Japan,
> and that's the reason I spent so much time making a Sakura Taisen
> webpage and trying to promote ST on this side of the Pacific.
> I was rather disappointed that Sakura Taisen didn't appear on
> the Internet Video Game Top 100 chart, which is one of the more
> popular world-wide video game charts on the Internet. So
> I decided to submit Sakura Taisen to IVG Top 100. I suppose
> I wasn't the only one trying to get Sakura Taisen on the IVG Top
> 100 ballot, it still took several weeks before they decide
> to add Sakura Taisen officially to the IVG Top 100 ballot. But
> once Sakura Taisen made it to the official ballot, it took off
> very rapidly by itself (in fact, I think it was one of the
> fastest-rising games on the chart).
> So in a sense, this is 組織票 , but it's necessary to do this
> in order to bring Sakura Taisen to the attention of western
> fans. It's also justified, because once Sakura Taisen made the
> IVG Top 100 chart, it shot up to #2 position in just a few weeks
> all by itself (I tried to help a little, but the overwhelming
> support of fans from Japan and elsewhere is spontaneous and is
> the real reason for the rise of Sakura Taisen in the IVG Top 100
> chart). All I did was to direct fans' attention the right way.
I think so!
It is within my grasp, very much.
Sakura Taisen is a great pleasant game for me, too.\(^。^)/
> In any case, please continue to VOTE for Sakura Taisen on the
> IVG Top 100 chart!
I will vote to "VOTE for Sakura Taisen on the IVG Top 100 chart!"
(Well, Who is your best character of Sakura taisen?
My one is Sakura Singuji. She is well-shaped very much.
"Haja Kensei Ouka Houshin!!" (^^))
If it is not inconvenient for you, will you tell us URL of your webpage?
I want to see your web page.
Please forgive my irresponsible remarks and my poor English.
I'm very sorry.
Please don't lose interest in Sakura Taisen.
