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鳴 (Ming) @ tonic.physics.sunysb.edu on 97/8/07 13:00:05
Re: http://www.sega.co.jp/sega/p_cafe/BBS/bbs8/vol134/134_115.html
Please forgive the Kenshin accent ^_^;
Thanks again えんかいくん for translating my letter! Seems I'm
bothering you a lot doing that recently ^_^;
Unfortunately, we still don't get any reply from Sega/Red, don't
know whether it's due to the page being archived, or simply due to
my message being ignored... *sigh*
In any case, many thanks to you and Clancy-san for trying to help
I guess what I'll do is to ask western Sakura Taisen fans to send
the survey cards that came with the game back to Sega, asking them
to add English support to Sakura Taisen (and/or 2). Hopefully
they will listen then...
Thanks again!
鳴 (Ming)
