Re: がんばってねMingさん

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投稿者: 鳴 (Ming) @ on 97/8/09 17:16:29

In Reply to: がんばってねMingさん

posted by えんかいくん零式 @ on 97/8/08 00:44:53

> おろ〜。そうでござるか。学位論文がんばって下され。

はっ!鳴、粉骨砕身の覚悟でがんばります! ^_^

> > Unfortunately, we still don't get any reply from Sega/Red, don't
> > know whether it's due to the page being archived, or simply due to
> > my message being ignored... *sigh*
> 返事はなくとも、セガやレッドの人も読んでくれていると思うでござるよ。

Oh well, I suppose they didn't feel comfortable answering a gaijin's
questions on this BBS perhaps ^_^

> > I guess what I'll do is to ask western Sakura Taisen fans to send
> > the survey cards that came with the game back to Sega, asking them
> > to add English support to Sakura Taisen (and/or 2). Hopefully
> > they will listen then...
> 拙者も陰ながら応援するでござるよ。

Thanks Enkai-kun! I've already sent you email asking for help ^_^;

> ではまた、どこかでお会いするでござる!

Aaaa, now you made me more curious about Kenshin-speak ^_^ Got
to get myself a Kenshin manga to learn how to speak the Samurai
way ^_^


鳴 (Ming)