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VIPER-TX @ on 97/6/18 09:55:14
May 23,1997
SUBJECT: PCI Bridge and PCI Universal Serial Bus under "Other Devices" in Win95 using TX chipset boards.
e have the pleasure in introducting you lastest utility - WINP2X4.EXE, an upgrade utility that can be employed under Win95 to automatically upgrade your current IDE controller support to PIIX4. For example, while shifting a Win95 loadig HDD from PIIX3 to PIIX4 platform, each device item resource under Win95 will be placed an exclamation ahead:
俵nder Win95, My computer, control Panel, Device Manager. View device by Type
桧ther Device ! PCI Bridge, ! PCI Universial Serial BUS.
To let Win95 properly report your device resource, follow below instructions:
肘mplement WINP2X4 俵nder Win95 DOS prompt, type WINP2X4 柊fter issuing this command, a display similar to this appear:
inP2X4.EXE V1.00
Copyright(c) Award Software, inc. 1997 All rights Reserved
=== Microsoft Windows 95 implement for Intel PIIX4 ===
The Windows 95 directory is C:/WINDOWS (Y/N)?
紐sepond Y if windows 95 directory is correct. If the Windows 95 directory is other than the default directory, please respond N, and follow the on-screen prompt to enter the correct path.
Please input directory name of your Windows 95 system:XXXX
**** Modifying your Windows 95 system.....success
You have to restart the Windows95 system right now.
Follow the on-screen prompt to restart your system to let the change take effect.
You may be prompt to update devices drivers after system restart. Please keep your Win95 installation Disc handy.