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Ming @ lei.physics.sunysb.edu on 98/1/30 07:06:44
In Reply to: サクラの海外版出るんだって
posted by 軍需相シュペーア @ ins41.fukuoka-ap3.dti.ne.jp on 98/1/29 05:34:48
Thanks Everyone for your good wishes and support!
Special thanks to Enkai-kun without whom the STES Mini-Campaign
would never have succeeded! ^_^
But as 頂眼六射さん and Jasper-san pointed out, we still haven't
received confirmation from Sega/Red about the English release.
I'm optimistic that this is not some kind of cruel joke, but
I guess I'd also feel a bit uneasy until we get confirmation from
Red/Sega. So if there's any staff from Red/Sega who's monitoring
this BBS, could you please let us know (or email me privately
if you don't want any official announcement yet) what really is
happening? お願いします!
Thanks again!
