Re: いやな予感・・・

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投稿者: Ming @ on 98/1/30 14:34:24

In Reply to: いやな予感・・・

posted by えんかいくん零式 @ on 98/1/30 08:38:20

> 広井王子さん名義の書き込みのIPアドレス[]は
> 日本文理大学のアドレスのようですね。
> 少なくともレッドじゃない(レッドだと[205.230.xx.xx]あたりになる)

You're right Enkai-kun, the IP address was the first thing I checked
of course ^_^ I knew ir wasn't from Red but from NBU. But because
I wanted to believe that this is true, I invented the following
reasons why Mr.Hiroi would write from NBU instead of Red:

1. Red's computers aren't equipped with forms-capable browsers ^_^;;
2. Mr.Hiroi has a good friend in NBU, whose account he borrowed ^_^;;
3. Mr.Hiroi was looking for people who can help translate the text
in Sakura Taisen, and he liked the 日本語→英語 online
translator on NBU's homepage ^_^;;
4. Mr.Hiroi is actually working in his spare time as a lecturer
(or student) in NBU ^_^;;
5. Mr.Hiroi likes to hack into other computers and NBU was one of
the targets ^_^;;

Hope I didn't sound too irrational there ^_^;;

Also the messages themselves sounded right: the tone seems right,
the content seems to make sense... now why would any student from
NBU want to impersonate Mr.Hiroi and play such a cruel joke on us?

Therefore I choose to believe the World is a cheerful place where
everybody tells the truth which makes everybody happy. I hope
I'm not wrong in this...

But however this turns out, you have my thanks Enkai-kun ^_^
