サクラ大戦は Internet Video Game Chart TOP TEN!

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投稿者: 鳴 (Ming) @ tonic.physics.sunysb.edu on 97/9/22 10:54:48

The Internet Video Games Top 100 Chart
(http://www.worldcharts.com/vcm.html) is a popular
international and multi-platform video games chart that
YOU can vote on. It took some time for Sakura Taisen to
appear on the ballot, but once it got there, it's became
the fastest-rising game on the chart, shooting up to
top ten in only 4 weeks! If you'd like to see Sakura
Taisen in the Number 1 spot on the chart, please cast
your votes weekly at:


The voting code for Sakura Taisen is "1595"

Sakura Taisen Fans of the World, Unite! ^_^
