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鳴 (Ming) @ tonic.physics.sunysb.edu on 97/8/25 14:47:02
In Reply to: Sakura Taisen English Support (STES) Mini-Campaign
posted by えんかいくん零式 @ slip202-135-63-153.kw.jp.ibm.net on 97/8/23 17:16:10
Just trying to internationalize Sakura Taisen, that's all ^_^
After all, Leni is German right? ^_^
Thanks Enkai-kun for bringing attention to the STES Mini-Campaign!
And thanks again for translating the letter to Sega (and my message
above ^_^)! I think I'm going to add a signature page for people
who're sending letters to Sega to sign in. It may provide more
incentive that way, and also we can set a goal for ourselves, like
we need 1000 signatures at least ^_^
If we do get Sega/Red to add English support to Sakura Taisen,
Enkai-kun will forever be known as the "Japanese Friend who helped
put English into Sakura Taisen" ^_^
So thanks again Enkai-kun!
Ming, who's wondering whether someone will start a Sakura Taisen
German Support Campaign soon ^_^
