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えんかいくん零式 @ slip202-135-43-212.kw.jp.ibm.net on 97/8/05 01:29:08
In Reply to: たかさんへ:英語質問です。
posted by 鳴 (Ming) @ tonic.physics.sunysb.edu on 97/8/04 08:12:50
日本語、できなくてすみません。 ^_^;;
Yes yes, I know I should have posted this to the アルファベットonly BBS, but it seems we never got any official reply from Sega in that BBS... that's why I'm posting to this BBS hoping to get some officialanswers (but please feel free to answer in Japanese, I can manage with my Japanese dictionary ^_^;)
はいはい。私はこれをアルファベットonly BBSにポストすべきだったことは判ってます。しかし、あのBBSでセガからのオフィシャルな返事を得られるとは思えない...いくらかの officialanswers をこのBBSから得ることを望んで私はこのBBSにポストします。(どうぞご遠慮なく日本語でお答え下さい、私は私の日本語辞書で何とかできます ^_^;)
My questions are addressed to Taka-san, or others who work in the Sakura Taisen team in Sega/Red.
1. Has Sega/Red considered adding English support to Sakura Taisen?
Note that I'm not asking about a complete translation of the game, which will be too costly both in terms of time and labor cost.
Most non-Japanese gamers will be more than satisfied with a bilingual version of Sakura Taisen where the speeches will be in Japanese but one can choose to display either the Japanese or English text.
It's like subtitling in anime, and should be very easy to implement and should cost very little.
2. If I understand Taka-san's earlier post correctly, it seems that the reason Sega/Red didn't want to release Sakura Taisen in English is because it was believed that Sakura Taisen may not be acceptable in the west because of the cultural and religious elements in the game.
If this is the case, I think Sega/Red has been quite mistaken.
Every non-Japanese gamer I know of who came across Sakura Taisen loved it, regardless of whether they know the language or not.
Sakura Taisen is such an innovative and engaging game that gamers everywhere can appreciate it.
Imagine how much more successful the game can be overseas if English support is added!
3. If Sega/Red is still not convinced of foreign interest in Sakura Taisen, what can non-Japanese fans do to change Sega/Red's mind?
4. If it's too late to add English support to Sakura Taisen, how about doing it for Sakura Taisen 2 instead?
Since Sakura Taisen 2 is still in development stage, it should be trivial to add English support to it.
I will continue supporting Sakura Taisen regardless of whether there's English support or not, but I feel pity that the many other non-Japanese gamers may never be able to completely enjoy this game, simply because Sega/Red isn't confident enough to add English support to it...
Thanks for listening!
鳴 (Ming)
