Re: 金大中氏が大統領になって変わっていくと思う

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投稿者: alum.Park @ on 98/2/10 02:55:59

In Reply to: 金大中氏が大統領になって変わっていくと思う

posted by さのばびっつ @ on 98/2/09 23:37:02

Kim is very paractical person.
But the matter of broadcast EVA is depend on korean people.
They had to exchange their mind.
Korean adult person hardly think adult-anime because Anime is only for child that i said.
I can say again that broadcast is matter of the view point of anime.
The view point about anime is different yours
Plz understand this.
I want to see EVA in TV and theater.
Eva video is exist at video shop but almost cruel scene (korean Think) is cut.
Korean don't like that their child see bloody scene.