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Marton @ temys2.eng.shizuoka.ac.jp on 98/2/22 17:57:52
In Reply to: Translucences in Dracula X?
posted by Alucard @ usimsptc6-160.usinternet.com on 98/2/22 17:28:38
Sorry.I can't speak English well.
I suggest you to join in the SEGA Forum.
SEGA Forum is English only, so that anyone will answer your question in English compare with this corner.
The URL of SEGA Forum is "http://www.sega.co.jp/sega/p_cafe/BBS/bbs10/new/".
> What kind of translucency will Dracula X on the Saturn use? Most games dither their translucencies/transparencies on the Saturn, except for Guardian Heroes, which has semi-translucencies (you can see the background behind the translucency, but no sprites). I assume they didn't try to do full alpha-channeling/translucency because of all the scailing that goes on in the game.
> Will all the translucency that Konami used for the Playstation version of Dracula X, I hope they try to do full translucency on the Saturn in software.
Solly.I don't know about translucency and transparency.
I miss you to answer your question.

- うーむ - まーとん 98/2/22 18:11:32
- ほっ - 舞剣魔刻 98/2/22 18:41:40