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カトレヤ @ virtual1.pasutel.co.jp on 97/4/29 11:18:44
> This is a sad news, Capcom's oncoming games, like X-men vs.
> Street Fighter, and Marvel Super Heroes, and all the SNK
> games will not use the RAM cartridge for them. What you will
> see on your TV screen when you play them, I don't want to know!
> Capcom and other conpamies are wait for Sega of America to
> make a RAM cartridge, then they make game that will use it.
> It's too expensive to produce a CD+Cartridge game, they said.
> Again, we all lay our eyes on Sega of America, come on, do
> something for your loyal Saturn supporters just once.
> You are losing your supports again, you are going the wrong
> way, and that's why you are not as successful as Sony!