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No. 739 # 68user [URL] [E-mail] 2000/02/22 (火) 04:59
もし FreeBSD と Solaris のNFS まわりのコードがある
程度同じなら (元は同じはずですよね)、
     * Silly rename. To make the NFS filesystem that is stateless look a little
     * more like the "ufs" a remove of an active vnode is translated to a rename
     * to a funny looking filename that is removed by nfs_inactive on the
     * nfsnode. There is the potential for another process on a different client
     * to create the same funny name between the nfs_lookitup() fails and the
     * nfs_rename() completes, but...
    static int
    nfs_sillyrename(dvp, vp, cnp)

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