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No. 705 # Ta [E-mail] 2000/02/02 (水) 20:58

TEST 1: script and permissions
Passed Test 1!

TEST 2: script file format
Passed Test 2!

TEST 3: check perl path
Passed Test 3!

TEST 4: perl syntax
      t_whois.cgi syntax OK
Passed Test 4!

Your script has passed all 4 tests.

If your script passes these tests, and still won't run,
you might look for one or more of these common problems:
      1) make sure it can find any files or external programs it needs
      2) make sure any included perl programs also check out
      3) make sure you are writing a "Content-type:" line
            at the beginning of your output
Consult your favorite Perl/CGI book for more information.

これで動くかと思ったら、Internal Server Error・・・



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