>>4750 Kenichi Maehashi よくわかりませんが、output_to_core でしょうか。 http://search.cpan.org/~eryq/MIME-tools-5.411a/lib/MIME/Parser.pm output_to_core YESNO Instance method. Normally, instances of this class output all their decoded body data to disk files (via MIME::Body::File). However, you can change this behaviour by invoking this method before parsing: If YESNO is false (the default), then all body data goes to disk files. If YESNO is true, then all body data goes to in-core data structures This is a little risky (what if someone emails you an MPEG or a tar file, hmmm?) but people seem to want this bit of noose-shaped rope, so I'm providing it. Note that setting this attribute true does not mean that parser- internal temporary files are avoided! Use tmp_to_core() for that. With no argument, returns the current setting as a boolean. |