Help Me find something please, Nights to dreams

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Wombat @ ts014d07.per-md.concentric.net on 97/8/20 08:40:00
In Reply to: jamiroquai(2回目)
posted by R-N @ ppp02099.omiya.alles.or.jp on 97/8/20 07:09:45
Hello Nice Japanese people,I was hoping that maybe someone understands English he
re,If no one does I guess its all Nonsense to you then , but if theire is any Japanese
that understands tyis . Could you help me find on the Sega of Japan Website, I found pictures
of Jasmine Ann Allen ,She is the Little girl that sings in Nights the Videogame
I found it once by accident,but I can't find it no more, I used the search engine at Sega of Japan's site
but I guess it doesn't understand English,Please Help me find Jasmine's
Picture on this site, thank you
Robert Charles Hayden
" Videogame Extraordanaire"
