Re: Request for special skills for Super Robot War F

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Jonny @ ip-10-141.dialup.hkstar.com on 97/10/21 17:24:40
In Reply to: Request for special skills for Super Robot War F
posted by Andy - Hong Kong Kowloon @ ip-23-114.dialup.hkstar.com on 97/10/04 19:12:06
> I'm playing the game, Super Robot War F, anyone could provide special skills for it, like the special birthday and blood type, ect. for initial input.....
> Thanks...
Hello!My name jonny
I have already end this game!
But i don't think that will have special skills about
birthday or blood type. Also a Japanese Magazine has interview the game designer.And he said blood type and birthday will not clause any change in your hero.
Maybe it will have special skills,so,work hard!!
