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くにお肉 @ on 97/6/21 08:25:22
TEST Current Results UNITS
DirectDraw/Animate Screen Size, 640x480 138 [1,2,3] Million Pixels/Sec
DirectDraw/Animate Screen Size, 800x600 136 [1,2,3] Million Pixels/Sec
DirectDraw/Animate Screen Size, 1024x768 133 [2,3,4] Million Pixels/Sec
DirectDraw/Animate Screen Size, 1152x864 No Result [2,3,5] Million Pixels/Sec
DirectDraw/Animate Screen Size, 1280x1024 124 [1,2,3] Million Pixels/Sec
DirectDraw/Animate Screen Size, 1600x1200 126 [2,3,6] Million Pixels/Sec
DirectDraw/Animate Color Depth, 8 bit 138 [1,2,3] Million Pixels/Sec
DirectDraw/Animate Color Depth, 16 bit 82.6 [1,2,3] Million Pixels/Sec
DirectDraw/Animate Color Depth, 24 bit 34.3 [1,2,3] Million Pixels/Sec
DirectDraw/Animate Color Depth, 32 bit No Result [2,3,5] Million Pixels/Sec
DirectDraw/Animate BltFast 138 [1,2,3] Million Pixels/Sec
DirectDraw/Animate Blt 138 [1,2,3] Million Pixels/Sec
DirectDraw/Animate Solid 138 [1,2,3] Million Pixels/Sec
DirectDraw/Animate Transparent 137 [1,2,3] Million Pixels/Sec
DirectDraw/Animate Full Screen 55 [1,2,3] Million Pixels/Sec
DirectDraw/Animate Windowed 40.2 [1,2,3] Million Pixels/Sec
DirectDraw/Animate Clipped 40.3 [1,2,3] Million Pixels/Sec
DirectDraw/Animate Memory, Source in video, Work area in video 138 [1,2,3] Million Pixels/Sec
DirectDraw/Animate Memory, Source in system, Work area in video 29.4 [1,2,3] Million Pixels/Sec
DirectDraw/Animate Memory, Source in video, Work area in system 26.6 [1,2,3] Million Pixels/Sec
DirectDraw/Animate Memory, Source in system, Work area in system 26.4 [1,2,3] Million Pixels/Sec
DirectDraw/Animate BLT size, 256 pixels 43.9 [1,2,3] Million Pixels/Sec
DirectDraw/Animate BLT size, 1024 pixels 89 [1,2,3] Million Pixels/Sec
DirectDraw/Animate BLT size, 4096 pixels 136 [1,2,3] Million Pixels/Sec
DirectDraw/Animate Stretch, Solid, 2.0x, 8 bit 12.3 [1,2,3] Million Pixels/Sec
DirectDraw/Animate Stretch, Solid, 1.7x, 8 bit 3.77 [1,2,3] Million Pixels/Sec
DirectDraw/Animate Stretch, Transparent, 1.7x, 8 bit 2.1 [1,2,3] Million Pixels/Sec
DirectDraw/Animate Stretch, Solid, 1.7x, 16 bit 2.45 [1,2,3] Million Pixels/Sec
DirectDraw/Animate Stretch, Solid, 1.7x, 24 bit 0.632 [1,2,3] Million Pixels/Sec
DirectDraw/Animate Stretch, Solid, 1.7x, 32 bit No Result [2,3,5] Million Pixels/Sec
DirectDraw/Fill Color Depth, 8 bit color 295 [1,2,3] Million Pixels/Sec
DirectDraw/Fill Color Depth, 16 bit color 147 [1,2,3] Million Pixels/Sec
DirectDraw/Fill Color Depth, 24 bit color 99.1 [1,2,3] Million Pixels/Sec
DirectDraw/Fill Color Depth, 32 bit color No Result [2,3,5] Million Pixels/Sec
[1] The refresh rate was 60 Hz.
[2] Common test settings: Disk Drive=C:\ Report CPU Utilization=No
[3] The following Windows tasks were running during this test and could affect the test results: INTERNAT.EXE, MSIME97M.EXE, RUNDLL32.EXE, WNLSSUB.EXE
[4] The refresh rate was 61 Hz.
[5] The video card/monitor does not support this video mode.
[6] The refresh rate was 47 Hz.
