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まえだ @ hmt3.hitachi.co.jp on 98/3/10 20:38:00
In Reply to: 2段階UPDATEをしてみた方がいいかな?
posted by まえだ @ hmt2.hitachi.co.jp on 98/3/10 20:13:19
下記はその対策法。(http://www.lglass.com/cs/fu2/fu2_faq00b.html より。)
Patch Information
I have the European version of Flight 2 and I can't get this bloody patch applied to the game.
What is the solution to this problem?
We found a problem with the European version of Flight Unlimited. The ReadMe file causes a error
when attempting to apply the patch. We have uploaded a ReadMe file that will correct the problem.
Just download the file below to your Flight 2 folder, and double click it to extract it.
You are now ready to apply the patch.
Users of the European version should download the FLT02-03.EXE - 491 KB or higher.
Go to our Patches page for downloading