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清左衛門 @ on 97/12/25 19:02:13
Use Your Phone and Improve the Quality of Your Internet Telephone
Calls with the Internet PhoneJACK(tm)
* Make Internet Telephone Calls with Your Regular Phone
* Full-Duplex Calls Every Time
* Echo Cancellation
* Improve Voice Quality & PC performance
* Call to normal phones also!
For complete information on the Internet PhoneJACK, including
prices, system requirements and purchase locations, please visit
<http://www.quicknet.net/prodh.htm> or read on.
"1997 Product of the Year!"
----- Computer Telephony Magazine, December 1997
"You'll be astounded by the difference in voice quality."
----- Computer Telephony Magazine, August 1997
Order by January 15 and Save $20 per Internet PhoneJACK!
Find out more at <http://www.quicknet.net/prodh.htm>
Hello Fellow Internet Telephony User!
I'm sure you know that having the right hardware can make your
Internet Telephone calls even better and easier to make. Internet
telephony is a terrific and incredibly powerful tool. But, if
you're like me, you may have been frustrated by not being able to
use Internet telephony's full potential for personal and business
communication due to inadequate hardware that was never designed
for two way communications.
This is why Quicknet Technologies created the Internet PhoneJACK.
The Internet PhoneJACK is an audio card designed specifically for
Internet telephony.
Unlike soundcards, you can plug your regular telephone into
the Internet PhoneJACK and use your telephone to make Internet calls.
The Internet PhoneJACK is also integrated with leading
Internet telephony software packages like VocalTec's Internet Phone
and Microsoft's NetMeeting. While using these software packages you
can utilize touch tone dialing, dial tone and have your phone ring
when receiving a call over the Internet.
Other features include echo-cancellation and full duplex calls every time.
Specifically designed to do the things that sound cards do not, the
Internet PhoneJACK gives you the best possible audio for Internet Telephony.
Using the Internet PhoneJACK you can call from your PC to a normal phone !
Directly integrated with Net2Phone from IDT (software included with the
Internet PhoneJACK or available for free download from our website at
<http://www.quicknet.net/download.htm>) you can call from your PC to
any regular telephone number.
If you're calling long distance or Internationally you can get rates
as low as $0.10 per minute to the USA from anywhere on the Internet.
(Other rates apply in different countries.)
The Internet PhoneJACK is just $179.95 USD after rebate and includes:
*Internet PhoneJACK ISA PnP card
*Windows 95 Installation CD-ROM with:
--Internet PhoneJACK software
--Microsoft NetMeeting
--Microsoft Internet Explorer
--IDT Net2Phone Internet to Phone software
--VocalTec Internet Phone software* (VocalTec 7 day demo)
--VocalTec Internet Voice Mail software* (VocalTec 7 day demo)
--Internet PhoneJACK Browsable User Manual
"We practically forgot we were using Internet Telephony!"
----- CTI Magazine, July 1997
Now there is no reason for a poor quality Internet phone call.
I invite you to get your own Internet PhoneJACK through one of our
reliable sales outlets. Order today and have the Internet PhoneJACK
working for you tomorrow!
Order anytime - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:
TigerDirect: --- 30 Day Money Back ---
1-800-888-4437 (Phone)
1-305-228-3400 (Fax)
Search for Item #: Q16-1000
Source Code: CJX
MicroWarehouse: --- 30 Day Money Back ---
1-800-367-7080 (Phone)
1-908-905-9248 (Fax)
Search for Item #: EX8024
PhoneZone: --- 30 Day Money Back ---
1-888-293-7937 (Phone) 9 am to 6 pm Pacific Time
1-415-647-9912 (Fax)
Item #: IPJ1L
----> 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
when purchased from our on-line resellers.
They also accept International orders.
Thank you for your time.
President, CEO
Quicknet Technologies, Inc.
All brands and products are trademarks or registered trademarks
of their respective owners.
If you wish to be removed from this mailing list, just send a blank
email to <remove@quicknet.net> and you will be removed. Responses to
<sales@quicknet.net> do not get removed.
