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ぶるるんさん @ cse-7.funabashi.mbn.or.jp on 97/12/16 13:02:25
In Reply to: ミリオンが難しいかどうかは別として
posted by 秋野 @ p3ikb093.highway.or.jp on 97/12/16 09:54:34
> 「クラッシュバンディクー」自体、「1」が売れてないし、
Naughty Dog is a developer of cutting edge video games for the industry's leading platforms. It's latest release, Crash Bandicoot for the Sony PlayStation(TM) game console, published by Sony Computer Entertainment and produced by Universal Interactive Studios, has the rare distinction of achieving gold status in all three major territories, Europe, Japan, and the United States. Crash Bandicoot also has the honor of being the only foreign, next generation console game to reach sales of 500,000 units or more in Japan. Based in Los Angeles, Naughty Dog, Inc. is an independent, privately held game developer.
