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-emacscase enable case sensitive user s @ ringer.etl.go.jp on 97/9/30 11:41:40
In Reply to: Re: もしかして,,,,,まだ開発中?
posted by ゆーすけ @ on 97/9/30 07:32:34
> TecmoのDead or AliveのPage,未だに更新されてへんな〜.Options are: -cookies toggles handling of Set-Cookie headers -from toggle transmissions of From headers
> - receive the arguments from stdin (enclose -crawl with -traversal, output each page to a file -ftp disable ftp access
> もしかして,Saturn版Dead or Aliveまだ造ってんのかにゃ? in double-quotes ("-") on VMS) with -dump, format output as with -traversal, but to stdout -get_data user data for get forms, read from stdin,
> それともMasterUpと同時に,Staff全員ぶっ倒れて -anonymous used to specify the anonymous account -display=DISPLAY set the display variable for X execed programs terminated by '---' on a line
> だれも更新する人がおらへんのかもしれへん. -auth=id:pw authentication information for protected forms -dump dump the first file to stdout and exit -head send a HEAD request
> -base prepend a request URL comment and BASE tag to text/html -editor=EDITOR enable edit mode with specified editor -help print this usage message
> 発売後でえ〜から,Staffの開発苦労話とか書いて欲し〜でんな. outputs for -source or -mime_header dumps -emacskeys enable emacs-like key movement -historical toggles use of '>' or '-->' as a terminator for comments
> 特にSaturnの"潜在能力"をいかにして引き出したかとか・・・・ -book use the bookmark page as the startfile -enable_scrollback toggles compatibility with comm programs' scrollback -homepage=URL set homepage separate from start page
> ・・・・・・・ってそりゃ企業秘密か? -buried_news toggles scanning of news articles for buried references keys (may be incompatible with some curses packages) -image_links toggles inclusion of links for all images
-cache=NUMBER NUMBER of documents cached in memory (default is 10) -error_file=FILE write the HTTP status code here -index=URL set the default index file to URL
