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Yusuke @ ppp19.nagasaki.dtinet.or.jp on 97/5/19 05:07:27
In Reply to: Looking to swap info, games, etc
posted by Hare Razer @ ww-ta32.proxy.aol.com on 97/5/18 23:24:49
> mail me and check my web page ( > http://www.angelfire.com/ny/majorbunny ).
I just visited your web page.
I agree your opinion.
SegaBandai will execute their plan to dethrone Sony
from peak.
Please brighten-up your HP for spread of Saturn in U.S.A.!
I 'm very sad that Saturn's bad sales in US.
Does good sales of Genesis disturb Saturn's spread?
Why does't US people like VertuaFighter?
Children in US believes Nintendo's logo too?
Adults in US belives Sony's logo too?
Do you love game & anime?
O.K.! In Japan, such people are called "OTAKU".
I'm animetion fan too.
I love all Gainax anime especially Evangelion.
In Japan , Sega released 2 titles of Evangelion's game
for Saturn.
Do you know that?
Thank you!
