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巽 @ ppp00008.netwave.or.jp on 97/5/14 15:03:22
> I hear, Sonic 3's musics were made by Michael.
> Is it true!?
> Well, Michael Jackson is no stranger to Sega, considering he has
> partnered up with Sega three times. Sega apparently contributed to
> a venture brought up by Michael Jackson to raise money for needy children
> at the time of Sonic 3's production, so I wouldn't be surprised if the
> statement was true.
> PS How was Shining the Holy Ark? Your review?
Green Gibbon!氏のレス:
> Er...no, not exactly. That must be some zinger of a rumor you heard! Michael Jackson's name is nowhere in the credits. The music was composed by Howard Drossin and a few other guys...the same ones who did the music for Sonic & Knuckles.